Archive for December, 2010

“A Great Year for You to Get Better at YOU!”

During our recent annual planning meetings the president of our company said something that stuck in my mind.  In his wrap up comments he said, “next year is a great year for you to get better at you!” 

Our president has earned the credibility to be able to issue such a challenge.  He has continuously pushed and challenged himself and our company to get better each year…and then, instead of pausing to soak up the success, he has used it to invigorate and encourage himself and those around him to reach even higher.

What I really appreciate about the invitation to “get better at being you” is the implication that the opportunity is not to become someone or something you are not, but to become the very best version of “you” that you can become.  We are all different creations…each with individual gifts, talents, and vision.  The real challenge (and opportunity) is to discover your strengths and talents and then to magnify them – as much as possible – to the benefit of your circle of responsibilities and relationships.

And so, as we begin a new year and contemplate the possibilities, consider making 2011 THE year to “get better at you!”  If you will, and commit to doing what it takes to get there, you are guaranteed improvement at least, and possibly significant improvement!

So, what’s it take?  The formula is simple…it’s the “doing” that brings improvement!  But without the formula you’ll just spin your wheels! So here’s the formula for making an even better version of YOU!

1)       IDENTIFY the specific thing(s) you want to improve, develop, or get better control of.

2)       Set a GOAL (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, & timely).

3)       Make a PLAN to accomplish your goal(s)…including every intermediate step you can identify!

4)       ACT on your plan…one step at a time…one day at a time.

5)       FOLLOW UP…frequently and honestly…and adjust, reset, and elevate as necessary!

2011 WILL be a GREAT year for each of us to get better at being who we already are.  Take a few minutes and decide what you’d like to improve, set a goal and make a plan…then get to work and just watch the miracle of improvement take place.  It just will!

Lead on…


December 17, 2010 at 9:47 am 1 comment

Tips & thoughts for today's manager


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